Ghost Stories Carti de Joc
Ghost Stories Carti de Joc - povestile cu fantome au fascinat omenirea intotdeauna. Aceste carti de joc sunt inspirate de scriitori mari ai tuturor timpurilor, de legende si mituri.
Sunt printate de USPCC pe materiale de inalta calitate si contin 56 de carti - 4 jokeri.
Toate cartile de curte sunt caractere fantomatice ale unor persoane care au marcat istoria. Un pachet minunat de oferit celor care iubesc literatura.
Diamonsds: King - Sir Simon Canterville (the Canterville Ghost); Queen - Mae Nak (Asian folk legend); Jack - The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (Christmas Carol). Hearts: King - Erick (The Phantom of the Opera); Queen - The Bride of Corinth; Jack - The screaming skull. Clubs: King - Bernard Fokke (The Fusty Dutchman); Queen - Lady Madeline (The Fall of the House of Usher); Jack - The Upper berth. Spades: King - King Hamlet (Hamlet); Queen - Miss Jessel (The Turn of the Screw); Jack - The Horseman Without a Head (The Legend of Sleepy Hollow)