The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants | Jucarie si Magie
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  • The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants
  • The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants
  • The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants
  • The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants
  • The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants
video The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants
The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants

The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants

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The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants - The Eye of the Ocean: Partea II - O Aventura Arheologica Continuata in Carti de Joc

The Eye of the Ocean: Partea II continua aventura arheologica inceputa in 2021 cu prima editie. Acest pachet de carti de joc impresioneaza prin designuri complexe, inspirate de misterele marii si navigatia stelara. Cu folii metalice luxoase, ilustratii detaliate si o combinatie eleganta de harti antice, simbolism marin si povesti captivante, fiecare carte este o adevarata opera de arta.

Ideal pentru colectionari si pasionatii de carti de joc, The Eye of the Ocean nu este doar un simplu pachet, ci o experienta imersiva, realizata cu o maiestrie exceptionala.

Caracteristici principale:

  • Nephilim - The Giants (Editie speciala)
  • 56 de carti de joc in format poker
  • Aplicatie de folie aurie pe spate
  • Margini aurite
  • Cutie premium cu doua aplicatii hotfoil, embossing, print interior si sistem de deschidere personalizat
  • Cutia tiparita de Boschiero & Newton (Italia)
  • Design 100% personalizat: fete, spate, carti de curte si carti extra
  • Pachet tip puzzle: cele 56 de carti formeaza o harta a insulei
  • Ilustratii unice pentru asi, carti de curte si jokere
  • Sigilat in celofan
  • Fabricat in PRC
  • Design semnat de Stockholm17 Playing Cards

Descopera carti de joc premium, perfecte pentru colectionari si pasionati de design exclusivist!

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  • 325,00 lei-10 %
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The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants

The Eye of the Ocean Nephilim The Giants - The Eye of the Ocean: Partea II - O Aventura Arheologica Continuata in Carti de Joc

The Eye of the Ocean: Partea II continua aventura arheologica inceputa in 2021 cu prima editie. Acest pachet de carti de joc impresioneaza prin designuri complexe, inspirate de misterele marii si navigatia stelara. Cu folii metalice luxoase, ilustratii detaliate si o combinatie eleganta de harti antice, simbolism marin si povesti captivante, fiecare carte este o adevarata opera de arta.

Ideal pentru colectionari si pasionatii de carti de joc, The Eye of the Ocean nu este doar un simplu pachet, ci o experienta imersiva, realizata cu o maiestrie exceptionala.

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